Automattic WordPress

Q&A with Automattic’s CEO

One of the highlights of each WordCamp Europe for me is always the Q&A with Matt Mullenweg. I was in the audience this year too and it was awesome!

Automattic Customer Happiness ManageWP WordPress

Happy at Automattic

Not so long ago, I was working as a Head of Customer Happiness for ManageWP. It was a great job and I had awesome colleagues and a great office. However, something was missing. I needed more freedom to make a difference and I wanted to bring the concept of Customer Happiness to a whole new level. I knew that I wanted to combine my love for WordPress with my passion for Customer Happiness. I was certain that I could combine these two at Automattic. And indeed, I can. 🙂

Automattic WordPress

WordCamp Belgrade Talk – From Call Centre to Automattic

In June, besides WordCamp Europe, I’ll also be speaking at WordCamp Belgrade! I don’t have the words to explain how excited I am to speak at the WordCamp in my hometown in Serbia.

My subject will be From Call Centre to Automattic – a motivational presentation where I’ll talk about how everyone with an iron will, a bit of luck, and nerves of steel, can contribute and make a difference.

Belgrade is one of the most beautiful cities in the world! And Serbia has a very strong WordPress community, with over 2.500 members in the Facebook group and regular 100+ attendees at the local WordPress meetups.

Kudos to Milan and other organizers for making this WordCamp happen. Cheers 🙂

Automattic WordPress

WordCamp Europe Talk – The Science of Happiness

Ever since I started to fight my fear of public speaking, I felt that becoming a speaker at WordCamp Europe would be the ultimate challenge. In other words, it’s something that I always wanted to do!

I am super excited that my talk The Science of Happiness has been accepted for WordCamp Europe this year which will be held in Vienna, from June 24-26. The official schedule for the WordCamp has been published a few days ago.

After WordCamp Prague and WordCamp Cracow, I can’t wait to speak at WordCamp Europe this year. I hope I’ll see you there! Cheers 🍷

Customer Happiness WordPress

WordCamp Cracow Presentation

Last September, I attended WordCamp Cracow as a speaker. It was an amazing experience and the whole video is finally live at The title of my presentation was The Art of Support – Growing Your WordPress Customer Base by Using the Word of Mouth and you can view the entire video below. Feedback is most welcome! Cheers 🙂