Customer Happiness WordPress

WordCamp Cracow Presentation

Last September, I attended WordCamp Cracow as a speaker. It was an amazing experience and the whole video is finally live at The title of my presentation was The Art of Support – Growing Your WordPress Customer Base by Using the Word of Mouth and you can view the entire video below. Feedback is most welcome! Cheers 🙂

Customer Happiness

Customer Service vs Customer Happiness

In my final post for this year, I wanted to concentrate on the very subject of Customer Happiness. What does Customer Happiness really mean? How does it differ from Customer Service? How does a company go from being Product driven or Sales driven to being Customer driven? Why should any company try to become customer-centric in its power core? In this post, I’ll try to answer these questions.

Customer Happiness

A Quote About Customer Support

You can read the entire Intercom on Customer Support eBook by signing up at Intercom’s official website.

Customer Happiness

The Third Customer Happiness Meetup

Customer Happiness community in Serbia is growing! Last CH meetup was held on November 6th and it was awesome. You can read the full report by following the link below 🙂

The Third Customer Happiness Meetup – Impressions

Customer Happiness

Second Customer Happiness Meetup

We’ve had our 2nd Customer Happiness meetup!   🙂