WordPress Workshop Novi Sad

Fourth WordPress Workshop – Novi Sad

During the fourth WordPress workshop in Novi Sad, we went through the basics of HTML and CSS, we covered the best practices for adding custom CSS to a WordPress site, we went through some of the options of the element Inspector in browsers, and we also manually created a child theme.

After the workshop, I created a short video walkthrough of the element Inspector options in Chrome and I covered the basic creation of a child theme (both manual and via a plugin).

I’m speaking in Serbian but the whole interface is in English


During the next workshop, we’ll go through WP-CLI and creating a web shop by using WooCommerce.

Automattic Miscellaneous WordPress

Browser Extensions

Quite a while ago, I posted about Lazarus, the Chrome extension which prevents the loss of data you insert into a form on a page when you accidentally navigate away from the page (or if the internet connection breaks). In the last paragraph in that post, I promised to follow up and write about the browser extensions I’m using. More than a year passed but better late than never!


How I Started Using WordPress

Several years ago, my knowledge of the web consisted of some pretty basic stuff – I had an email, Facebook account and I knew how to Google an information that I needed. Gamer!Below basic stuff actually 🙂 I used my computer mainly for playing games, browsing the web was a roughly 5% of my time spent in front of the computer.

And then, all of a sudden, I had a desire to create a website, so I started learning some basic HTML and CSS. Add a bit of a PHP and I made my first CMS. I learned everything by myself, thanks to the time we live in, anything you need can be found on the web. I also signed up for a class for Joomla! and WordPress administrator.

Taking this class introduced me to some powerful tools that already existed and which I can use in order to expand my knowledge. Although Joomla! was the focus of the lectures and WordPress was only covered in 1 hour (1 hour!), I fell in love with WordPress and I wanted to know everything about it.

So, I started by using WAMP combined with WordPress and I’ve built my first WordPress website in a local environment. Even though it wasn’t much of an achievement, I was amazed by the endless possibilities that WordPress offered. I browsed the forums, educational blogs I found on the web and I also asked my friend, who was already a part of the ManageWP team, to show me some WordPress tips and tricks.

In two months, I’ve already learned so much but I was aware that it was, but a drop in the ocean compared to how much knowledge I had yet to acquire. At the same time, there was a job opening 🙂

Edit (2019): The full (and expended) story ended up being a presentation at WordCamp Belgrade!