Automattic WordPress

Mobile Blogging

This is my very first post which I’m writing by using only my cellphone. I was always a bit reluctant to try publishing from a cellphone but I finally gave it a shot. I’m using the WordPress Android app created by Automattic. The app can be found on Play Store and you can also check out this link for more info on currently available WordPress mobile applications.

It’s probably gonna take some time before I get used to writing and publishing this way. However, I must admit I like it so far 😀 Let’s see if my opinion changes after writing a dozen more posts this way. Challenge accepted!



I was without the internet for the last 7 days. I must say that it was an ambiguous experience – I felt like I was cut off from the world and on the other hand, it felt so liberating not to be online.

Unfortunately, the unintended internetless state made me lose my streak of blog posts (28 in a row!) and fail my blogging quest. Well, it was worth it!


On a Blogging Quest

Every day I think about how great it would be to publish a post per day for the next year(s). And every single day, I decide that I’ll start working on it tomorrow. Well, after approximately 2 years, this tomorrow finally arrived!

To go on a blogging quest, I was inspired by the article 3 rules for a successful daily blog written by my colleague Luca. And after hearing the talk of my colleague Andrea at WordCamp Europe in Vienna, I found the last piece of the puzzle to start blogging on a daily basis. Andrea’s talk Publish in 10 Minutes Per Day will soon be published online at but in the meanwhile, she published an article on her personal blog.

Let’s see how my quest goes! 🙂


WordPress Meet and Greet – All Bloggers Welcome

Thanks to OM, this post is a great way to find interesting blogs and promote your own. Thanks, OM!

Miscellaneous WordPress

Writers’ block? No problem! Introducing AutoMatton

Epic article on! 🙂